7809 ASSAULT: Journal of Armored & Heliborne Warfare
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The book contains the following articles:
1. 1-77 Armor Regiment "Steel Tigers"
The mission of a tank battalion is to close with and destroy enemy
forces using fire, maneuver and shock effect, or to repel his
assault by fire and counterattack. The 1st Battalion, 77th Armor,
deploys a battalion task force by ground, sea and/or air to conduct
combat operations, however, it can also perform peacekeeping and
peace-support operations.
2. Panzer Battalion Combat Maneuver
The German Panzer Bataillon 383 took part in a major training
exercise called "Blitzender Kürass" at the Oberlausitz training
area. The battalion's main objectives for this exercise were combat
firing in defense and employing the battalion reserve. Other
objectives were to integrate all elements of the heavy armor
battalion and to test the skill of the officers and NCOs in leading
the unit through combat drills.
3. Hungarian Quick Reaction Force
In compliance with NATO standards, the HDF is composed of combat,
combat support and combat service support units. These units are
assigned to one of three categories: reaction forces, main defense
forces or augmentation forces. The HDF's Quick Reaction Force is
ready to face any military threat.
4. 1/35 scale profile of Challenger 2 in Operation "Telic" in
Format 21,5 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 145 Farbfotos, 1/35
Farbprofil, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con7809