Panzer Tracts No.12-1: Flakpanzer IV - And other Flakpanzer Projects
Thomas L. Jentz & Hilary Louis Doyle
Die Reihe Panzer Tracts wird allen Modellbauern bekannt sein. Die Autoren haben in jahrzehntelanger Arbeit in Archiven, Museen und privaten Sammlungen Primärquellen ausgewertet, Fahrgestellnummern katalogisiert und eerhaltene Fahrzeuge exakt vermessen, um detailierte Risszeichnungen im Maßstab 1:35 zu jedem Fahrzeug zu produzieren.
Hier liegt nun die überarbeitete Neuauflage des lange vergriffenen Klassikers vor. Mit neuem Layout und nachbearbeiteten Fotos !
Panzer Tracts No.12-1 looks at the development, production and employment of Flakpanzers in World War 2.
Following Panzer Tracts’ high standards, the history and data are based solely on primary sources. 98 large and clear photos have been chosen to illustrate the Flakpanzer in this 82-page book.
The book includes 14 pages of 1:35 scale CAD drawings of the Möbelwagen, Wirbelwind, Ostwind, Kugelblitz, Flakpanzer III and Pz.Kpfw.38 für 2cm Flak.
To produce these highly accurate as-built drawings within the tolerance allowed to the original assembly firms for each type of Flakpanzer, no less than two, and in certain cases, up to five surviving Flakpanzer were measured in detail. Additional insight has been achieved by surveying surviving components and studying original period blueprints to ensure the drawings are as complete as possible. Independent surveys of multiple examples of each of the Flak weapons mounted add to the accuracy of the Panzer Tracts drawings.
Working closely with Hilary Doyle, Panzerwrecks has overhauled this important book with 14 extra pages and 14 more photographs – all of which are large and clear. A large proportion of the photographs have been rescanned from originals for optimum quality of reproduction
Format 21,5 x 28 cm, Paperback, 82 Seiten, 98 Abbildungen, 14 Seiten mit Maßstabszeichnungen in 1:35,
englischer Text, Best.Nr. PTra12-1