6012 Age of Conquerors
Tim Newark and Angus McBride, Richard Hook etc.
As long as there have been men, there has been the thirst for
conquest. While conquests have occurred in recent history as much
as in ancient times, this book confines itself to historical
military campaigns. It examines the fierce warriors that took
control over great swathes of the globe, as well as their brave
opponents that dared to resist their assaults.
The subject matter of this volume stretches from the Egyptian
Pharaohs (1482BC) all the way through to the warriors of Dahomey
that defiantly resisted their French conquerors as late as the 19th
century. The pages in between cover such luminaries as Alexander
the Great, the Romans, the Byzantines, various English militias and
professional soldiers, Scot mercenaries, the Indian Mutiny, and
Crazy Horse on the North American plains. There is a tremendous
range of topics and subjects, but they all have one thing in common
- they were conquerors or they refused to submit to their would-be
Each selected topic is explained in great detail. The extensive
text offers a commentary on the historical context and background,
as well as about the uniforms, attire and weaponry of the
combatants. Large colorful illustrations produced by a variety of
talented artists portray interesting aspects of clothing and
weapons for the benefit of the reader. This means there is a very
helpful and informative combination of text and artwork to inspire
the reader. This fascinating book, "Age of Conquerors", succeeds in
bringing history to life!
Format 21 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 22 ganzseitige
Farbtafeln, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con6012