6001 Blitzkrieg: The German Army 1939-41
Gordon Rottman & Ron Volstad
As the seemingly unstoppable German juggernaut tore through the
heart of Europe, battled on the sands of Africa, and flooded across
the steppes of Russia, much of the world girdled itself to resist
the Blitzkrieg-the Lightening War. There was no secret to the
initial German successes. The newly developed combined arms
force-panzer, artillery, infantry, Luftwaffe-coupled with well
planned operations from an effective command and control system,
lead to the success of the German Army during the early years of
Many factors contributed to the success and character of the German
Army. Among them are well trained highly motivated soldiers with
the capability to execute orders from senior officers. Also
important is the positive attitude toward the military
Gordon Rottman brings us 20 scenarios during the Blitzkrieg years,
1939 to 1941 with a background of history and description of
uniform and equipment in each scenario. Among the battles covered
are Warsaw, Narvik, Somme, Crete, Sidi Rezegh, Sollum, Smolensk and
Ron Volstad is without doubt the best artist in illustrating
soldiers of the 20th century. His works of art adorn the box covers
of Dragon model kits over the past 15 years and his ever improving
painting skills and expertise in the uniforms and equipment bring
us 20 authentic and action filled plates of the German soldiers in
the blitzkrieg era. This book is a definite 'MUST HAVE' for WWII
enthusiasts. Of particular interest are two plates illustrating
individual and unit equipment of the German soldiers during the
years 1939-1941.
Format 21 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 20 farbige und 2 s/w
ganzseitige Farbtafeln, englischer Text, Best.-Nr.