7803 ASSAULT: Journal of Armored & Heliborne Warfare
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This book contains these articles:
1. Armor of Strong Resolve
NATO and Partnership for Peace countries participated in the Strong
Resolve exercise in Poland. Austrian Leopard 2, Finnish SISU,
Polish SA-3 and T-72M1, Belgian Iltis-Bombardier, Danish Hawk and
Piranha, Swedish CV-90 and SISU, are among the armored vehicles
featured in this article.
2. Magic Trap 2001
Magic Trap 2001 was the first open terrain FTX of the 2nd Iron
Brigade Combat Team since 1989. M2A2 ODS Bradleys of 1-6INF and
2-6INF were the focus of this exercise that maneuvered in the
countryside of Steinbach, Germany.
3. Italian C1 Ariete MBT
An in-depth study of the C1 Ariete main battle tank and the Ariete
Armored Brigade. The C1, armed with a 120mm smoothbore gun, is the
Italian answer to the German Leopard 2 and the US M1 main battle
4. ISAF Force Construction Vehicles in Afghanistan
Nineteen nations that belong to the NATO-led ISAF fielded
construction and support vehicles in Afghanistan. British, Spanish,
Norwegian and Greek vehicles are the featured ones.
Format 21,5 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 141 Farbfotos, 1/35
Farbprofil, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con7803