7814 ASSAULT: Journal of Armored & Heliborne Warfare Vol.
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This book contains these articles:
1. Swabian Lance 2004
This article covers a Full Training Exercise of principally the
9th/12th (Prince of Wales's) Royal Lancers, the FTX taking place in
the southern German region known as "Schwabische Alb". As such,
there are a number of photos of some of the 110 tracked and 75
wheeled British vehicles involved as they visited German farmers'
properties or thundered through deep Swabian forests! Vehicles
included are Scimitars, Spartans, Samsons, and Strikers, as well as
wheeled Fox NBC vehicles.
2. Exercise Gulf 2005
France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) forged a defense
agreement in 1995 after the France's military support during the
first Gulf War. Exercise Gulf 2005 took place in the UAE, involving
the French 2nd Armored Brigade, and the UAE's 3rd Armored Brigade,
as well as maritime components. Actions involved French and Emirati
LeClercs operating side by side in the desert. The highlight of
this article must surely be the photojournalist's access to UAE
LeClercs and BMP-3s, vehicles which are rarely, if ever,
photographed in action.
3. Schwarzer Panther ("Black panther")
This was a Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise involving the German
Panzerbrigade 21 "Lipperland" in December 2004. As an OPFOR made an
assault, the Leopard 2A6s, PAH-1A1 Bo-105P helicopters and other
vehicles of "Lipperland" maneuvered to defeat the attack. The
author has captured a number of different weapon systems in some
superb photos, including the Leopard 2A6, Marder 1A3, the Fennek
armed recce vehicle, Dingo, PzH 2000, Bergepanzer 2A2, Biber AVLB,
and the M548A1G Skorpion. This collection of photos represents an
inspiring variety of German military vehicles in the field.
4. 1/35 scale profile of Leopard 2A6
Format 21,5 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 151 Farbfotos, 1/35
Farbprofil, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con7814