7801 ASSAULT: Journal of Armored & Heliborne Warfare
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This book contains these articles:
1. Task Force Harvest
Under British command, operation "Essential Harvest" got underway
in August 2001 with the mission to disarm the UCK in Macedonia.
Task Force Harvest was made up of British, French, German, Spanish,
Italian, Dutch, Greek and Turkish combat units, as well as American
support forces. The article covers the armor and mechanized
infantry units of the various countries that participated in the
operation. The UCK is also covered.
2. 1-4 CAV 'The Quarterhorse'
The 1st Squadron, 4th US Cavalry belongs to the 1st (US) Infantry
Division and is based in Schweinfurt, Germany. This modern cavalry
unit consists of M1A1HA Abrams MBT, M2A2 ODS Bradley CFV, OH-58D
Kiowa Warrior helicopter as well as support vehicles. The article
covers the unit on exercise in Germany as well as during its
peace-keeping mission in Bosnia and Kosovo.
3 Golden Trident
The large-scale Exercise 'Golden Trident' was a good opportunity
for the US Marines, French Legionnaires, and Spanish Marines to
train together for amphibious assault in the Mediterranean.
Amphibious assault warships, hovercrafts, landing crafts, Amtracks
and transport helicopters brought the marines and their fighting
vehicles ashore for the exercise.
4. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
With a long tradition, the RRF consists of two battalions today.
The 1st Battalion is based in eastern England as a light role
infantry battalion. The 2nd Battalion is an armoured infantry
battalion equipped with Warrior IFV. Our article highlights the 2
RRF and their Warriors in operations and exercises throughout
Europe and the 1 RRF during training for its Northern Ireland
Format 21,5 x 28 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 163 Farbfotos, 1/35
Farbprofil, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con7801