Gordon Arthur
The USA has been embroiled in the ongoing insurgency in Iraq since
Operation Iraqi Freedom kicked off on 23 March 2003. "Marines on
the Ground: Operation Iraqi Freedom 1" covered the important role
played by the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in the initial
invasion. The second volume in this two-part series has now been
released, and it carries on the story of I MEF's return to Iraq in
March 2004 through to the end of March 2005 when responsibility was
handed over to II MEF.
As in the earlier volume, this book utilizes official photos taken
by USMC photographers. This ensures a wide variety of photos
covering different locations, units and vehicles are included.
Operation Al Fajr, the violent Battle of Fallujah, is extremely
well covered in a detailed chapter that offers a day-by-day action
of the fighting. Understanding of this operation is boosted by a
personal battle account from Andreas Elesky , MSgt USMC (Ret.), who
participated in the fighting before being wounded in action. Other
chapters cover such events as the Najaf Crisis and Iraq's first
free national elections. Vehicles much in evidence in this
photographic record include Humvees, MTVRs, LAVs, AAVs, and M1A1
Abrams tanks.
The book contains four color plates by Hubert Cance, two profile
line drawings, along with one 1/35 scale plans. This is a concise
record of major actions that U.S. Marines were involved in during
this period, and readers wanting to learn more about the Battle of
Falljah, or simply looking for a collection of Marine photos, will
find much of interest here.
Format 21 x 29,7 cm, Paperback, 48 Seiten, 142 Farbfotos, 5
Farbtafeln, Maßtafeln 1:35, englischer Text, Best.-Nr. Con7517