The Archaeology of Weapons
Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry
Ewart Oakeshott
Eine Kulturgeschichte der Waffenkunde von der Frühgeschichte bis
zum Spätmittelalter. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Mittelalter mit
einer breiten Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Ritterstandes und
einer Klassifikation aller Schwerttypen von 1050 bis 1500. Mit
zahlreichen Illustrationen des Autors.
In The Archaeology of Weapons, Ewart Oakeshott traces the
development of European arms in logical sequence, showing how
changes were wrought by the use of new materials and the
ever-shifting demands of war and fashion. This history begins
nearly two hundred years before the Christian era, covering among
other subjects the charioteers of the Near East, the Roman attitude
to arms and the Bronze Age weapons of Europe. The core of the book,
however, is the middle ages: a general survey of the institution of
chivalry, an understanding of which is vital to the appreciation of
all the arms of the high middle ages, is followed by a
classification covering all sword types from about 1050to 1500.
Oakeshott draws on a variety of sources, from the archaeological
evidence provided by existing weapons to the clues to be found in
literature as diverse as the Old Testament, the works of Homer,
Norse sagas and medieval romances. The symbolic importance of the
sword is treated as an essential part of this lucid study and adds
much to its archaeological interest.
The late EWART OAKESHOTT was one of the world's leading authorities
on the arms and armour of medieval Europe. His other works on the
subject include Records of the Medieval Sword and The Sword in the
Age of Chivalry.
Format 15 x 23 cm, 416 Seiten, Paperback, englischer Text,
Best.-Nr. Bb010