A Visual Catalogue of Richard Hattatt‘s Ancient Brooches
Richard Hattatt
Zeichnerische Wiedergabe von fast 2000 Fibeln, von der Bronzezeit
bis zum Mittelalter, nach Typen katalogisiert, kurze Angaben zur
Datierung und Fundort.
Richard Hattatt's collection of brooches ranges from the Iron Age
to the Middle Ages, though most were Roman and Romano-British.
Between 1982 and 1989 he wrote four books illustrating all the
brooches, and in the fourth book he included a visual catalogue
which provides a quick guide to the types and dates. It is this
visual index - with drawings of all 2000 brooches - that is
Format 17,5 x 24 cm, Paperback, 128 Seiten, englischer Text
Best.-Nr. Ox001